(607) 483-1067

Who We Are

Our Mission & Vision

The Horseheads Family Resource Center provides inclusive, strength-based programs for young children and their families that increase school readiness, support informed parenting, and strengthen community relationships. The Horseheads Family Resource Center envisions communities that recognize, support, and celebrate the role that parents and caregivers play in their children's development and well-being.

Our Values

Safety. We provide a safe, clean, and facilitated environment where all families can play and learn together.

Respect. We welcome, accept, and respect all cultures, races, family structures, and abilities.  Staff and families treat each other with respect.  Our diversity is an asset that we celebrate.

Empowerment. We recognize and support the strengths inherent in each family and child.

Learning. We partner with families in promoting school readiness skills such as following group rules, taking turns, using language, making friends, respecting others and property, using art materials, using large and fine motor skills, and putting toys and materials away.  Staff members share information with families about activities, services, programs, and resources that are available in our area.

Accessibility. We are centrally located and easily accessible by car or bus.  There are no physical or financial barriers to participate in our programs.

Accountability. We depend on donations, grants, and family contributions and are committed to using them wisely.  Our board and staff maximize our modest budget with the highest level of fiduciary responsibility and mindfully develop meaningful and unique programs that address community needs.

Our History

The Horseheads Family Resource Center (HFRC) opened its doors in 2008 after a committee of citizens identified the local need for support for young families in Chemung County. Spear-heading the project were Dan Tarshus and his wife Kathy. 

“We are concerned about early childhood development and relating that to the parent,” Dan said, just prior to the Center’s opening. “If you don’t have a child ready for school by kindergarten, it’s already a losing proposition.  The notion here is around developing a relationship between the child and the parent. It isn't you drop the child off and come back in a few hours.” 

Located in the First United Methodist Church on Broad Street, the HFRC has hosted thousands of visits and helped hundreds of families in our area. The HFRC is an independent nonprofit organization that is supported by the local philanthropic community, generous individuals and businesses, and parent donations and fundraising.

First United Methodist Church is a beautiful place with lots of room for our programming and an outdoor play area for the children. We are so grateful to have such a perfect location to host our families! While the church was identified as being the best space for us to perform our work, thanks to the continued support and generosity of the church staff and congregation, our resources are available to all families, regardless of race, status, or religion. We look forward to watching you and your children grow with us in the years to come.

Our Staff

Shelby Mickinkle, Executive Director, has over 10 years of experience working with local youth and family programs. After working with children from preschool through high school, she is excited to bring her passion for families to the HFRC.

Who We Serve

Who We Serve

All families are welcomed at the Horseheads Family Resource Center. The HFRC offers universal access to all who wish to participate and serves a very diverse population. The majority of families patronizing the HFRC reside in Chemung County, and the rest come from all around the Southern Tier, including Steuben and Schuyler counties.

The Board

Our board of directors consists of: Brandy Hoover, President; Shannon Majiros, Vice President; Laura Alvarado, Treasurer; Susan Eisner, Secretary; Don Keddell, Past-President; Bob Aiello; William Brodginski; Larry Crandell; Ann Levantovich; and Jennifer Sczepanski.  The Board meeting schedule and minutes are available at the Center.

Quarterly Reports

1st & 2nd Quarter 2022 [PDF]
3rd & 4th Quarter 2022 [PDF]
1st Quarter 2023 [PDF]
2nd Quarter 2023 [PDF]
3rd Quarter 2023 [PDF]
4th Quarter 2023 [PDF]
1st Quarter 2024 [PDF]
2nd Quarter 2024 [PDF]
3rd Quarter 2024 [PDF]

Annual Reports

2023 Annual Report

Contact Us

Our address, below, is for the Horseheads Family Resource Center, featuring a play room, a gymnasium, and many family programs. We also have a play room at the Arnot Mall.

1034 W. Broad Street | Horseheads | NY
(607) 483-1067

Shelby Mickinkle, Executive Director

Board of Directors

Contact Form



All of our financial information is available to the public, released in the Form 990 each year. View our tax reports at Citizen Audit to see how we efficiently utilize our funding to maximize the effectiveness of our programming.


We want to thank our volunteers, Gretchen Braun of Gretchen Braun Photography and Elizabeth Zilinski, for helping with our website. We thank you both for your dedication!